Welcome to yogalates

A Yoga and Pilates merged into a sailing adventure in Croatia!


Feeling stressed from daily pressures, emails, and to-do lists?

It’s time to recharge and reconnect so you can get back to work feeling relaxed, recharged, and ready to conquer your professional goals with a refreshed mind and spirit. Imagine a sanctuary where you can truly rejuvenate, all while enjoying a summer retreat with a small group of inspiring like-minded individuals. Embark on an extraordinary journey with Serenity Sail, where the tranquility of a yoga retreat, the thrill of daily adventures, and the leisure of a vacation seamlessly merge. Navigate the mesmerizing Adriatic Sea and uncover the hidden treasures of Croatia’s breathtaking landscapes.


Every day awaits us plenty of activities. Start your day with energy boost from yogalates, connect with nature while swimming, learn or improve sailing skills, explore Croatian islands – hiking and finish our day with stretching during the sunset. All of this combined with stunning views and amazing atmosphere will create unforgettable memories.


Immers yourself in sailing adventure, where everyone is part of the crew, part of a community. If it is your wish, you will have a chance to command a boat from helm, take part in sailing maneuvers or share your favourite meal with others.


May the setting sun fill you with beauty and tranquility.
The calmness of the night will replace daytime activity.
Let such a contact with nature lead back to contact with oneself.

kufner yacht
kufner yacht


During the August we will be able to enjoy the Perseid meteor showe which happens only once a year! Imagine a slow sailing at night, while you lie on the deck immersed in the silence of the night, quiet splashes of water and vast space of a starry sky. All just for you. Although the peak of Perseid shower is during the night 12/13 Aug, you can still observe plenty spottings later on. Make a wish!


Immers yourself in sailing adventure, where everyone is part of the crew, part of a community. You will have a chance to share your favourite meal with others, 


  • Seven nights on a yacht sailing the Adriatic Sea
  • Become part of a crew and learn how to sail
  • Unique opportunity to stand at the helm and command the yacht
  • Morning active yogalates sessions
  • Evening relaxing yoga sessions
  • Welcome Snacks & Beverages
  • Simple and healthy breakfasts together each morning
  • Sailing, islands sightseeing & swim stops
  • Meet amazing people from around the world


  • Traveling to and from Croatia
  • Dinner
  • Any personal expenses during your free time
kufner yacht

Meet your teacher

Meet Kamila, your body movement, mind relaxation expert, pilates and yoga teacher. Within a week of daily practice with Kamila, you can unblock the body stiffness, improve your health and calm your nervous system. She is passionate how the body moves, how to improve mobility of joints and the spine and reduce the pain. Your effort and work under Kamila’s guidance will make you healthier and more relaxed. This week is a first step in your progress .

The sessions will include mix of functional training, pilates and yoga as well as deep breathing and nervous system relaxation.

This Is for You If…

  • You want to have opportunity to take part in sailing activities
  • You expect active summer holidays with time to relax
  • You like sunshine, swimming, walking
  • You love the idea of doing things together, 
  • You value meaningful connections and a sense of community with like-minded individuals.
  • You appreciate having free time to unwind, reflect, and enjoy at your own pace.
  • You are comfortable sharing a cabin with someone else (2-person cabins).
  • You are open to journaling and sharing your experiences in a supportive environment.
  • You crave an unforgettable journey on a private yacht, sailing the beautiful Adriatic Sea.

* We need at least 4 participants for the event to start

What are you waiting for?